

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Transfer News

Dear everyone,

Well, this week was crazy, but not quite as crazy as the last two days have been

I watched almost every investigator I worked with these last two transfers make the wrong decision to postpone their gospel learning ergo, their eternal progress, for one reason or another. I learned the transfers Saturday afternoon and it came as a big surprise. Both me and Elder Fernandez were taken out of Cereté and a new missionary is going to be training there. More on that a bit later. That same day, we found three new families to teach, all in all nine new investigators. So I'm a bit worried about how the next missionaries will handle that, but we left lots of information about the area (somewhat frantically). I had to give a talk my last week in the area and I talked about the Book of Mormon and why it's important. I'm getting a lot of messages recently on just how important the Book of Mormon really is. I try to think how my life would be if that book didn't exist or wasn't true, and I cannot imagine it. It has played such a fundamental role that it is impossible to imagine my life any differently.

I'm sad to leave Cereté behind, but definitely happy to be moving on with my adventure. After 18 hours straight of traveling, I arrived yesterday in Armenia, Tres Esquinas. I'm the District leader of 10 missionaries and I'm finishing up my companion, Elder Morillo's, training. He is from Ecuador, close to guayacil and has two months in the mission as of yesterday. As of today, I have eleven. It was weird sleeping with a blanket again last night and it feels like Summer here. I don't really know anything about the area still, but I'll let you know how things are next week. It's strange not sweating from everywhere. Elder Morillo is super cool and I've always wanted to train. I already love it!

The church is true, Love you all!

Élder King
Fried Corn and Elder Petersen

Fried Cheese

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