

Monday, March 27, 2017

All Manner of Afflictions

Dear Everyone,

This week flew by. It's always kind of like this in new areas and with new companions, but even so, it seems like I got here yesterday. My area is as slanted as the coast is hot, and it's going to take some getting used to. Me and Elder Steadman are getting along swimmingly and we work well together. We have to take buses a lot and today we are going to get our metrocards to be able to ride the tram and cable cars. It was weird being in a real chapel again after so much time, and it seemed like there were a lot of people in church. None of our investigaters could make it because it was raining super hard and the terrain is a bit treacherous where they live. It rained so hard on Saturday that we couldn't leave the house, and on top of that we had to do our best to keep it from flooding.

The change in altitude, climate, and just about everything else has taken its toll, and while tired and a little under the weather, I'm still glad to be here. It's very likely we will have a family get married and most likely baptized this week and that's always exciting. Contacting is more difficult here as the people are a bit more closed off than in the coast. I'm trying to help my companion with his spanish, which I enjoy but it's really hard for me to resist the urge to just take over and do everything. God must have a lot of self control and patience to avoid doing the same with our lives.

Our mission as a whole is showing signs of improvement and I'm just glad to be part of it. I'm currently the missionary with the most time in my zone (followed closely by elder Weber) and that's a weird feeling. Other noteworthy news is that our ward boundaries are going to split the week after conference. We aren't quite sure how that will affect our area, because most of our investigaters (and our area) will be going to the other ward. Either way, the adventure keeps getting more exciting!

Love you all,

Elder King

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