View of Manizales
Well, I don´t remember everything that happened
this week, but here goes
Most of our stuff fell
through, I went on splits with Jacobo. We talked with some less active members
in the center of town. My comp went and talked to Tatiana with some other
members. I bought some apple juice and I´m slowly finding all I need to make tacos
Another day of messed up
plans. I don´t even remember who we visited
I had an interchange with
Elder Pacaya. He´s pretty trunky, so he isn´t much help. We contacted most of
the day and gave a blessing to Gladys. She is a less active lady/recent
convert. She called us out of the blue and asked us to come over. She´s
practically an empty nester and is home alone most of the day. She recently had
surgery and is in a lot of pain. I was glad to visit her. Elder Pacaya then
used up all the minutes on our phone by calling every person in our area book.
He found a few people willing to talk to the missionaries again, some who
haven´t for two years now. We haven´t contacted any of them yet, but I have
We had fried ice cream
with the zamora family and visited Cristian, a new investigater. He seems
genuinely interested, but we were kind of just getting to know him this time.
We visited Kevin, a
recent convert/less active. He is an eleven year old kid living in the scary
part of town. We went to a talent show in alta suiza and us elders formed a
makeshift table for a skit. Great workout. Tatiana came with us. The power was
out so the president of the branch (actually they are branches here, sorry
about that miscommunication) had to keep fixing a generater they had.
None of the people we
were working with showed up to church, but we had a pleasant surprise of
Hermano Vargas and his kids showing up. They attended all the meetings and we
visited them later that day. We had to explain to him a bit about family
history and temple work as the lesson in gospel doctrine was the last lesson
Exaltation. The teacher focused it on temple work because this last week the
members travelled to Bogota to go to the temple. Everybody was pretty grateful
today during church. We visited Gladys to see how she was doing. We contacted
for a bit and found three different homes that would like to hear about the
gospel. One of them invited us in and we taught a brief lesson to them and to their
visitors. The lady offered us some coffee so we had to quickly give a brief
overview of the word of Wisdom. They seemed pretty interested and I hope that
we will have some success with them. Everyone thinks it´s cool that I have
blond hair and some refer to blondes cordially as mono´s or capuchi. Which
means monkey, and I don´t quite get that, because I didn´t think many monkeys
were blonde, but apparently here they are
Amy-"I can see the resemblance"
So yeah, yesterday was
eventful, but other than that, We´ve got some improving to do! I´m hoping to
buy a cool looking guitar I found. Travel size, green with a leaf pattern, and
it´s about $35 US Dollars. Gonna do some touring today if I can move my
Bogota from the air
First glimpse of Medellin. It´s basically like what you would get if you mixed Utah and Florida
My companion and apartment
Elder King
Amy needs to figure out how to place the pictures better. Anyone have some blogging tips?
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