Dear family and friends,
it´s hot.
Travel day from Manizales to Medellin. Basically a free day, but I spent a lot of time just catching up with other missionaries.
Ten hour bus ride from Medellin to Montería. Lot´s of Spanish movies played on the bus. I actually understood them, which shows some progress in Spanish I guess. There is basically no escape on a bus, so we just tried to ignore the movies. We arrived in Montería around six O´clock and then it was about an hour to my area in Cerete
We started off with a great day, Élder Hurtado and I. We taught lessons to Lesyanis, our investigater that is on schedule to be baptized this next Saturday, Jacob and his soon-to-be wife Leidy, the second counseler to the bishop and his wife, Dreysi, and a less active lady with her kids. Pretty full day and I was purt´near tuckered out there at the end of the day.
We had a zone meeting in the morning and didn´t get back to our area until about four, but that didn´t break our stride too much. We visited dreysi again. She is less active and was in a bike accident last year, so she is slightly incapacitated. She can´t walk very well and she has lots of pain meds she takes, so she doesn´t make it to church very well. we'll see how she progresses. The second counseler hasn't been to church in two weeks, so we are visiting him and his family. As far as I understand, there is some social problem with the bishop or other members of the ward that makes him not want to go to church anymore. But we are working with him and his wife and they are helping us find new people. We already have a family of less actives and a family of investigaters from them, as well as an opportunity to teach their nonmember daughter.
We had a lesson with Lesyanis and now she has all the lessons and seemingly no problems with the commandments. We had another lesson with Jacob and Leidy. Jacob is a really less active member, mostly because his family is. His Girlfriend and him are going to get married soon and she has a baptismal date right after she gets married, so we´re doing pretty well there. We visited some less actives, an old investigater for a second, people gave us food.
So, I gave a talk in sacrament. The missionary that was here before was supposed to do it and then got transferred and dropped that on me. But good news is pretty much everyone we worked with showed up to church! It feels like a miracle. We are projecting five or six baptisms this transfer.
So yeah, it´s hot, but I decided not to complain about it and that has made it easier to bear. I´m enjoying a companion who wants to work and I expect great things.
Love you all,
Sweaty Élder King
oh yeah, I got Katelyn´s christmas package, and Grandma´s birthday package and a few letters